After 3.5 years... I finally had a baseline CT done this week.  It seems silly to be excited that I finally had it, but after the battles I've had with insurance--- I'm just grateful that it's done.  It was weird- prior to the contrast going in through my IV, they warned me of the burning through the IV and a warm sensation that I would feel.  At the last possible moment, this lady's face was right in front of mine saying, "you may feel like you're going to pee... it's okay- just stay still and listen to the breathing instructions."  WHAT?  Pee?  Stay still?  And just as she said, BURN- WARMTH- PEE.  Oh my goodness... did I just pee over myself?  (PANIC! PANIC!)  Then it was over.  Thankfully, I did not urinate on myself like it felt!  (HUGE RELIEF!!)  But seriously, that was the weirdest sensation EVER!  Hope to get the results soon, but if anything, I'm just grateful that it was done.

School's been out for about 3 weeks now.  I love my job as a school nurse because of the summers.  The best part of the summer is NOT running by myself in mornings at 5:00 am!   I meet up with people in my running group at 5:30 am before the sun rises.  It's CRAZY to run in the heat and humidity of Houston any other time, in my opinion.  I am literally soaked when we get back, it's disgusting.  I can literally saturate a towel with sweat.  So gross!  During these summer months, I try to run anywhere from 8-10 miles for my long runs.  At 5:30 am it's tolerable (typcially only 78-82 degrees at that early hour)... although oppressive with the humidity.  We start cooling off in late October- November.... near when the mileage starts ramping up as many here prepare for a January- March marathon. 

Training for a fall marathon is brutal.  There's a group of runners in my group that always train for a fall marathon.  Last year, they ran Chicago.  Last summer was the hottest and driest summer... I thought they were all NUTS and swore I would NEVER run a fall marathon.  There's a reason there is a saying, "never say NEVER!"  I am a perfect example of that!  A year later-- here I am, training for a fall marathon.

So I am getting my training plan together and I already know those long, long runs are going to stink.  I know it's all worth it.  When I reflect back on the two marathons I trained for, the journey was much more memorable than the actual race.  I feel that the journey and the race will be the prize.  I am so, so grateful to those that have donated to the John Ritter Foundation for me.  I am truly in awe of the amazing support that I have received.  Talking to those that have run the NYC marathon before... there is one consistent theme told to me- "look around and enjoy the experience!"  Fall marathon training... here we go!